Corliss Lamont Centenary Civil Liberties Forum

A debate entitled: “Must our Civil Liberties be Relinquished Under the Threat of Terrorism?”

Columbia University Law School
Jerome L. Greene Hall (JG101)
435 West 116th Street at Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10027, USA
4 PM to 9 PM — Friday, April 5, 2002

These discussions were held in honor of Humanist, Patriot, and Defender of Civil Liberties, Corliss Lamont, as an observation of his Centenary. He was born March 28, 1902.

Professor Vincent A. Blasi, who occupies the endowed Corliss Lamont Civil Liberties Chair at Columbia University, delivered the keynote address. Invited speakers included the following individuals.

Affilations shown for informational/reference purposes only.

The schedule of events was as follows.

   4:00 PM to 6:00 PM - First Panel
   6:00 PM to 7:00 PM - Reception
   7:00 PM to 9:00 PM - Second Panel

This Centenary Program began with a screening of a documentary film entitled, Corliss Lamont: Renegade Patriot, created by Jonathan Heap, Corliss Lamont's grandson. A 6-minute video containing highlights from the film is available on this website.

Collateral materials:

Here are three downloadable Adobe Acrobat PDF (Portable Document Format) files that we've prepared specially for use on this webpage. If you should need to update your copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader program, the latest version can be downloaded for free using the link below.
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MPEG-4 Video:

Raw, unedited video of both Panel Sessions, in one-hour blocks. These four files, totaling approximately four hours run time, contain some significant technical flaws, but it was felt that the content was important, so they've been posted here. Clicking each of the links below will cause your browser's HTML5 video player to appear in a JavaScript pop-up window. The Play button must be selected (clicked or tapped) to begin playback. Use of Fullscreen Mode on mobile is suggested. A 2 Mbps or faster connection is recommended.

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