The content of this page is subdivided into three sections - The Basic Pamphlets Series, Other Pamphlets, and Book Collections of Pamphlets. Links to sales pages on the website are included as a convenience.
Over the course of more than a half-century, Corliss Lamont authored, co-authored, or edited approximately three dozen pamphlets on a variety of subjects. Prominent among these was the Basic Pamphlets series, privately published by Dr. Lamont and sold directly by him through mail order via a local post office box in New York. Included below is a list of all 29 titles in the Basic Pamphlets series, with cover reproductions of six of the pamphlets.
Basic Pamphlet 14, The Crime Against Cuba, is of special interest even today due to the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald, suspected assassin of U.S. president John F. Kennedy, distributed copies of it on the streets of New Orleans, Louisiana, during the summer of 1963, and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) purchased 45 copies of the pamphlet in June 1961. The Crime Against Cuba was Exhibit No. 3120 in the Warren Commission Report.
Assassination Archives and Research Center
AARC Public Digital Library - Warren Report
Oswald distributing Fair Play For Cuba handbills in New Orleans, August 16, 1963
Assassination Archives and Research Center
Warren Commission, Volume XXVI: CE 3120 - Pamphlet entitled "The Crime Against Cuba" [HTML]
Assassination Archives and Research Center
Warren Commission, Volume XXVI: CE 3120 - Pamphlet entitled "The Crime Against Cuba" [PDF]
Photograph of "The Crime Against Cuba" pamphlet, 544 Camp Street [PNG]
Formerly held at The John F. Kennedy Assassination Information Center,
Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Mary Ferrell Foundation
Listing and Description of Personal Effects of Lee Harvey and Marina
Item No. 99 - Pamphlet--"The Crime Against Cuba," by Corliss Lamont
John Newman, Oswald and the CIA (re-issue)
By James DiEugenioMonday, 01 September 2008 17:25
Kennedys and King (formerly CTKA)
Let Justice Be Done: New Light on the Jim Garrison Investigation
Chapter 4: The Return of Lee Harvey Oswald (by William Davy)
As documented in the following two formerly Classified Secret letters, in December 1954 and February 1955, the FBI and the CIA had correspondence relating to interviewing a Mr. Balmes Hidalgo "...concerning possible Communist Party membership of Corliss Lamont, the internationally-known lecturer and author." It was also stated that, "It should be noted that any publicity concerning Hidalgo or open testimony in court by him would mitigate against the best interests of this Agency." [two pages] [three pages]
While all 29 members of the Basic Pamphlets series have been out-of-print for many years, and therefore does not directly offer new copies for sale, various third-party sellers on Amazon have a limited quantity of used copies available.
For the convenience of those wishing to purchase such copies, below are links to some of these titles on the website. All of these links open in a new tab/window. This list was last verified on January 25, 2018.
In addition to the well-known Basic Pamphlets series, Corliss Lamont also wrote a number of other pamphlets. These other pamphlets were mostly published and distributed by organizations that were friendly to the Soviet Union and to the Soviet cause. Included below is a list of six of these other pamphlets, along with cover reproductions. Also included is a link to download an Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) version of On Understanding Soviet Russia, (New York, Friends of the Soviet Union, 1934, 32 pages). It should be noted that the text contained within the PDF version of On Understanding Soviet Russia is an accurate rendering of the original pamphlet. None of the typographical errors, misspellings, etc. that appeared in the paper version of the document have been corrected in this digital version.
Download On Understanding Soviet Russia [10,791,886 bytes].
Upon the publication of this pamphlet, Corliss Lamont gave public lectures entitled "On Understanding Soviet Russia". Here's a flyer promoting an event, sponsored by the organization Friends of the Soviet Union, that was held in October 1934 at Carnegie (Library) Lecture Hall in Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
One of Corliss Lamont's earliest pamphlets, and which was one of his personal favorites, Equivocation On Religious Issues, was published in 1934. Equivocation On Religious Issues was also published in the The Journal of Religion, Vol. 14 No. 4, October 1934, pp. 412-427, The University of Chicago Press, available via JSTOR.
In addition to the publishing of small, soft-cover pamphlets, three hard-bound books were produced that contained collections of previously-published pamphlets and other essays. Included below is a list of these three books, along with cover reproductions.
For reference purposes, here's a copy of the Table of Contents (TOC), complete with the author's notes, of Voice in the Wilderness: Collected Essays of Fifty Years. As indicated in the TOC, the text of Basic Pamphlet 14, The Crime Against Cuba, is included in this book. The text in the book, however, is slightly modified from that which appeared in the original pamphlet, and doesn't include the pamphlet's list of Suggested References.
Introduction I. THE HUMANIST PHILOSOPHY The Humanist Tradition Naturalistic Humanism The Philosophic Needs of Today: The Humanist Answer New Light on Dewey's Common Faith John Dewey and the American Humanist Association The Enduring Impact of George Santayana Freedom of Choice B. F. Skinner's Beyond Freedom and Dignity Self-Determinism and Freedom of Choice Spiritualism and Reincarnation Mistaken Attitudes Towards Death The Crisis Called Death Philosophy in Revolution: A Review How To Be Happy — Though Married The Affirmation of Life II. CIVIL LIBERTIES It All Began in the Yard The Assault on Academic Freedom A Good Fight The Unending Struggle for Civil Liberties Dissent in the West More on Heroes and Heretics William O. Douglas's A Living Bill of Rights Paul Blanshard's The Right To Read O, Canada . . . Paranoia on the Loose The Bill of Rights Fund Mission to Mexico The Cassandras in America III. WORLD PEACE AND SOCIALISM Ideas for Irreconcilables Why I Believe in Socialism Dangers of American Foreign Policy Why the Bomb Was Dropped Juggernaut: The Warfare State The Ordeal of Soviet Russia The Crime Against Cuba An Open Letter to President John F. Kennedy The Undeclared War: Vietnam: Corliss Lamont vs. Ambassador Lodge Mexico and Its Painters My Trip Around the World An Interview with Chile's President Allende South American Sidelights IV. EPILOGUE Epilogue I: My First Sixty Years Epilogue II: In Retrospect at Seventy-Two Index |
Because all three of these books have been out-of-print for many years, does not directly offer new copies for sale. However, various third-party sellers on Amazon generally offer new, used, and/or collectible copies at attractive prices.
For the convenience of those wishing to purchase new/used/collectible editions, below are links to these three hardcover titles on the website. All of these links open in a new tab/window. These links were last verified on January 25, 2018.
Be sure to visit the
Corliss Lamont Bookshelf
for additional information on the works of
Corliss Lamont.
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